Summer Intensive Prep Tips

November 28, 2001

The countdown to summer intensives has begun! And it’s time for a new set of nerves (and excitement) to kick in. How can you prepare your body and mind to get the most out of your summer training? Here are some tips from Shelly Power, associate director of Houston Ballet’s Ben Stevenson Academy, and Sabrina Lenzi, ballet mistress of Houston Ballet II.


1. If you’re not used to dancing six to seven hours a day, be sure to take technique class every day for a few weeks before the intensive starts. You can up the number of classes you take per week, but pace yourself.


2. In addition to class, add in some cross-training: Do 30 minutes on the treadmill or elliptical, Pilates, Gyrotonic, weight training or yoga every day. Taking class in another form of dance can work, too.


3. Get plenty of rest, stay hydrated and eat well.


4. Make goals for your summer: You’re more likely to be successful if you have a specific objective in mind rather than randomly working outside your comfort zone.


Check out Pointe‘s June/July article on getting more out of your intensive.