Search results for: Calvin Royal III

Standout Performances of 2019: ABT's Calvin Royal III in "Apollo"

In one sense, American Ballet Theatre soloist Calvin Royal III‘s company debut as the lead in George Balanchine’s Apollo in October felt momentous: a black dancer, in a historically lily-white company, portraying a god. In another, it felt inevitable: Royal is regal as soon as he stands onstage, to the manner born. As Apollo, authority […]

A Real-Life Fairy Tale: Inside Aspiring Dancers' Dream Show with Misty Copeland and Calvin Royal III

Imagine having your first show with Misty Copeland inches away from you onstage. Copeland and her prince, American Ballet Theatre corps member Calvin Royal III, swooped into Houston, Texas, in November to dance in Open World Dance Foundation’s new, full-length production of Cinderella. Choreographed by OWDF directors Ekaterina Shchelkanova and Anton Boytsov, the community project […]

From JKO to ABT: Calvin Royal III

Calvin Royal III is the sort of exuberant dancer who always draws the eye. You’ll never catch the 23-year-old corps member performing at less than full volume—every inch of his impossibly long body projects confidence. He’s a natural showman. A showman who got a very late start (in dance, at least). Royal, who studied piano […]

Calvin Royal III is a Clive Barnes Award Nominee

The Clive Barnes Awards—given by the Clive Barnes Foundation in honor of the late New York Times, New York Post and Dance Magazine critic—have a history of recognizing talented dancers on the cusp of a career milestone. In 2010, New York City Ballet’s Chase Finlay took home the prize; a year later, he was promoted […]

American Ballet Theatre Debuts Wayne McGregor’s Woolf Works

This month, American Ballet Theatre will make the North American premiere of Wayne McGregor’s Woolf Works. The critically acclaimed ballet, created for The Royal Ballet in 2015, is based on three works by 20th-century modernist author Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway, Orlando, and The Waves. The triptych’s three acts are titled “I now, I then,” “Becomings,” […]