Train With The Medalists
Prix de Lausanne is one of ballet’s most powerful professional springboards. Think you might have what it takes to go up against some of the top students in the world? Take class with a Prix de Lausanne winner and learn what the prestigious competition is all about. Special master classes are being offered in the following cities:
San Francisco – May 6
San Francisco Ballet School
Teacher: Maria Kochetkova and others from the San Francisco Ballet School
Question and Answer : to be announced
Basel, Switzerland – May 6
Theater Basel
Teachers: Vitali Safronkine, Ayako Nakano, Jin Youg Won
Question and Answer hosted by: Vitali Safronkine, Ayako Nakano, Jin Youg Won Carlos A. Navarro (Medical Advisor Ballett Basel) and Amanda Bennett
Hong Kong, Hong Kong – May 13
Hong Kong Ballet
Teacher: to be announced
Question and Answer : to be announced
Melbourn, Australia – May 13
Australian Ballet School
Teacher: Ethan Stiefel
Question and Answer: Wim Broeckx and Ethan Stiefel
Cannes, France – May 13
Rosella Hightower School
Teacher: Asier Uriagereka
Question and Answer: Paola Cantalupo and Asier Uriagereka
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