Bunheads Recap
This week’s episode of Bunheads is all about men and women, sex, love and marriage. The only dance scene features modern choreography in miners’ hats, dancing in the dark with headlights. Even though the paucity of dance is disappointing, the episode makes up for it with a choreography of flirtation and independence set in the dance studio when it becomes the evacuation center for Paradise during a fire. After finding a condom under the girls’ lockers, Michelle worries that her bunheads are having sex, and makes the boys move their cots away from the girls. But the girls flirt with their boyfriends anyway, with Ginny sniffing Carl’s jacket and Mel making eyes with Dez. When Michelle drops the pink packaged condom on the table in front of the girls, Boo thinks it’s a mint and goes on to say that she’s on birth control pills even though she’s not having sex, and that she doesn’t know what the pills taste like because she sticks them inside of peppermint patties. Aw Boo, this is why we love you.