Get By With A Little Help From My Friends
Like countless other companies, Festival Ballet Providence has hit a rough patch during this recession. But after 33 years as Rhode Island’s only professional ballet company, they’re not going to go down without a fight. Artistic director Mihailo Djuric gathered dancers from all over to perform in a benefit gala for FBP tonight.
New York City Ballet’s Ana Sophia Scheller and American Ballet Theatre’s Joseph Phillips will dance Grand Pas Classique, Boston Ballet’s Misa Kuranaga and Boyko Dossev will present Dossev’s Crane, Houston Ballet’s Nao Kusuzaki and Simon Ball will dance the Act II pas de deux from Giselle, and Lithuanian National Ballet’s Miki Hamanaka and Aurimas Paulauskas will perform te grand pas from Sleeping Beauty.
The gala, aptly titled “Together We Dance,” will take place tonight at 7 pm at The Vets, 1 Avenue of the Arts in Providence, Rhode Island. Tickets run from $25 to $125. For more, see