Go Inside Cedar Lake
Ever wonder what it’s like to be a Cedar Lake dancer? You’re in luck!
Step 1: Pick up a copy of Pointe‘s October/November issue, which has just been sent out to subscribers and should arrive on news stands any minute now.
Step 2: Sign up for the company’s upcoming workshop! Artistic director Benoit-Swan Pouffer and ballet master Alexandra Damiani are inviting dancers to spend a day in the company’s studio learning the contemporary ballet style and repertoire of Cedar Lake. After a warm-up, dancers will learn phrases of Pouffer’s own work, which will incorporate principles and techniques of the choreographers whose pieces Cedar Lake performs at The Joyce October 26–November 7. You’ll work with Cedar Lake’s artistic staff and professional dancers using similar processes that they employ in their own rehearsals. As a bonus, all students will also receive a complimentary ticket to a matinee performance of the company’s show at The Joyce. Be sure to sign up soon, since registration will be closed at 40 students per session.
Date: October 17
Times: Intermediate/Advanced 10 am–1 pm; Advanced/Professional 2 pm–5 pm
Cost: $60
To register: Pay in advance at www.smarttix.com
For more info: Call 212-244-0015 or email [email protected]