Is Your iPhone Wrecking Your Auditions?

September 12, 2013

Got Nutcracker auditions coming up? You might want to avoid texting right before you take your place at the barre.


Fascinating new research from Harvard Business School
found that people who spent a few minutes typing on a small, handheld gadget were only half as assertive in follow-up tests as those who had typed on a desktop computer. They were also far more meek on an additional test that measured power and self-confidence.


Why is this relevant to dancers? The study authors say the hunched, compact body posture we take when typing on our smartphones negatively affects our confidence. Meanwhile, sitting in a more open position can actually decrease your body’s stress hormones and increase your pain tolerance—both especially helpful perks for dancers.


If you can’t avoid responding to your mom’s “Merde!” text, simply take a wide second position split and keep your shoulders back and chin up while you write her back. It just might get you one step closer to landing Sugar Plum.