Quickfire Questions With Katlyn Addison, Our September/October Digital Cover Star

September 3, 2024

To get to know Ballet West’s Katlyn Addison, we asked her a series of quickfire questions. Read on to hear more about the principal dancer’s go-to barre spot, favorite football team, and the latest song that’s been playing in her head.

What’s your favorite step and part of class?

I do love pliés, and using my port de bras. But then big jumps are so fun! And adagio—I love it because it’s so hard.

What’s your least favorite step?

Gargouillades. Those are so hard. And then attitude turns devant—why?

Do you have a favorite spot at barre?

I stand in the same spot every day for barre. It’s over by the window and I love it because I get a great view. At Ballet West we have huge windows.

What are your pointe shoe specs?

Actually, I wear stock shoes. Nothing fancy about them at all—they’re Bloch Heritage, size 5, width 1x. I usually create a three-quarter shank myself, and then I take out the screws, and that’s the only custom thing I do on my pointe shoes.

Ballet slippers: leather or canvas?

Canvas, for sure.

Coffee or tea? And how do you take it?

I love me some coffee—but it’s probably more or less “I like me some coffee in my cream.”

What is your go-to snack?

Trail mix.

What is your pre-performance routine?

I don’t have one. Sometimes I take a nap. I do like to get errands done. I use the time to get stuff done that I’ve needed to do all day.

Who are you listening to right now?

Right now I’ve been listening to [composer] Jonathan Sanford because I’m creating two new works [to his music]. And, actually, our wedding song was just playing in my head—Allen Stone’s “Consider Me.”

What are you watching right now?

I just finished watching the Simone Biles documentary. And I watch a little bit of football, actually, so I’m watching “Receiver” right now.

Do you have a football team that you follow?

The Minnesota Vikings, but that’s because of my husband. He’s a big Vikings fan.

What are you reading right now?

Build the Life You Want, by Oprah Winfrey [and Arthur C. Brooks].

What is your favorite part about living in Salt Lake City?

I met my husband here. And Ballet West—it’s my career and it’s been a blessing to my life as a dancer. Artistic director Adam Sklute—he’s been a really great supporter of my career, and if it wasn’t for him recruiting me, I wouldn’t be here. And the mountains are gorgeous.

The three words that best describe you are…?

Gentle. I’m a thinker. And that I “love hard,” because I’m really passionate about my career and my family.