Search results for: sascha radetsky

Ethan Stiefel Talks "Flesh and Bone"…and "Center Stage 3"

This Sunday, ballet is back on TV with Starz’s new drama “Flesh and Bone.” Though the dark, fictionalized take on the dance world is more Hollywood than reality–and be advised, the content is not appropriate for young viewers–the cast features a range of ballet superstars, including Sarah Hay (Pointe‘s current cover girl), Irina Dvorovenko and […]

Ballet's Dark Side: On the Set of the New TV Drama "Flesh and Bone"

This story originally appeared in the October/November 2015 issue of Pointe. “Cut!” Ethan Stiefel’s voice booms from behind a monitor. The cast of “Flesh and Bone,” the Starz network’s new television series set in a New York City ballet company, is filming the final episode’s climactic performance scene. Onstage, the dancers regroup while Stiefel, the […]

First Look: "Flesh and Bone" Trailer

If you are eagerly awaiting the November 8 premiere of Starz’s gritty ballet drama “Flesh and Bone,” you’re in luck. The network released its first trailer of the eight-hour limited series yesterday—and it looks pretty tantalizing. The show includes an impressive cast of professional dancers, including Dresden Semperoper Ballet soloist Sarah Hay, former American Ballet […]

Words Into Movement

Audiences’ fascination with ballets based on Shakespeare’s plays shows no sign of diminishing. The beauty of his language and the complexity of his characters, whether comic or tragic, historic or fantastic, continue to challenge choreographers to match their artistry with his. Last October, American Ballet Theatre added another play to its growing list of Shakespeare […]

The Prime of Maria Riccetto

An artist who, surprisingly, often slips under the radar, she gives some of the company’s most memorable performances. Petite, with long arms and beautifully etched legs and feet, she dances with technical strength and an innately dramatic quality that is palpable. With her natural, unaffected beauty, the Uruguayan-born dancer looks like she could be one […]

Back From The Brink

Ballet dancers have nearly 100 percent injury rates. From minor sprained ankles to major bone breaks, nearly everyone faces time away from the stage sooner or later. The good news? Recovering from an injury doesn’t have to be a career setback. It can actually make you stronger, as these dancers discovered when they coped with […]

Celebrating the JKO School

American Ballet Theatre’s Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School has come a long way in the short decade since it was founded. So far, in fact, that it’s part of a select group of schools invited to perform at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow as part of the Bolshoi Ballet Academy’s celebration of its 240th anniversary. Last […]

Upcoming Ballet Broadcasts

Mark your calendars: There’s some great ballet coming into your life over the next couple of weeks—all of which you can catch from the comfort of your couch. Keep an eye out for these programs:   Wendy Whelan: “Restless Creature” The New York City Ballet superstar will preview her new project at the Guggenheim Museum. […]