Your Training: On-Campus Companies

Your Training: On-Campus Companies

During her first semester with Columbia Ballet Collaborative, Rachel Silvern surprised herself. “Growing up, the focus was always on dancing to please others, to get cast in something,” she says. “But at Columbia, suddenly it wasn’t about who...

Ask Amy

I feel like more and more people are passing me technically every year. Though I’m only 14, this is the most important time of my training and when I have the best chance to be noticed. At what age should you really know whether dance is the right path for you?...
The Turning Point

The Turning Point

As told to Amy Brandt   Many pre-professional dancers think attending college after high school is unnecessary—that it wastes precious professional years. But between the intense training schedules, choreographic opportunities and academic offerings,...
Your Training: On-Campus Companies

One-Stop College Shop—For Free!

Considering college? You’re in luck. Juilliard is hosting a special event for high school dancers on Sunday, October 3. “Dancing Through College and Beyond,” offers a full day of networking, information and panels, brining together representatives...

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