by Amy Brandt | Feb 1, 2016 | Ask Amy, Career
Where is the line between tough love and hurtful criticism? I’m starting to feel like the feedback I receive does more harm than good, but I might just need thicker skin. — Cassidy This is a tricky question. Frankly, you do need thick skin to be a ballet...
by Pointe Team | Nov 28, 2001 | Company Life
In many fields, excellence can be measured. Tiger Woods is known as a great golfer because of his record of tournament wins. Warren Buffett is considered a great stock picker, because he’s made billions. A great ballet, however, isn’t quantifiable. A...
by Jennifer Heimlich | Nov 28, 2001 | Company Life
It seems like there’s a point where dance critics have seen so much ballet that they forget to watch the performance. They’ve watched the same dancers and the same (or virtually the same) choreography so many times, their minds start to wander during a...