by Amy Brandt | Jan 14, 2025 | Audition Advice, Pointe+, Summer Study, Training
I will never forget how I felt as a teenager in the weeks leading up to summer intensive auditions. Would the class be hard? Would the teachers be nice? How would I measure up to the other dancers? What if I didn’t get in? Most dancers battle nerves before summer...
by Amy Brandt | May 11, 2020 | Ask Amy, Career, Training
Sometimes when I perform, I get wrapped up in my nerves and make sloppy technical mistakes—things that I don’t have trouble with in rehearsal. Are there ways to combat this? —Laura You’re not alone—even seasoned professionals struggle with nerves onstage....
by Jennifer Heimlich | Nov 28, 2001 | Company Life
Are your spring performances coming up? Don’t let stage fright get the better of you. We compiled the 9 best tips Pointe has ever run on dealing with nerves. 1. Don’t be afraid of the butterflies in your stomach: Nerves can give you an extra shot of...