Though she’s more at home in a leotard and tights, BalletNext‘s Violetta Komyshan is no stranger to red carpet glamour. Often attending award shows alongside her boyfriend, actor Ansel Elgort, Komyshan prefers to style herself. “I love dressing up,” the New York City-based dancer says. “If you’re going to the Oscars or a red carpet event, you need to be wearing the right thing to feel confident and secure—but I think that’s true no matter where you’re going.”
In her day-to-day, Komyshan sticks to easy-to-wear dresses and fitted jeans from trendy brands like Revolve and Nasty Gal. But no matter what, she’s never without a backpack. “My mom gave me a little black Prada backpack when I was younger, and I’ve been obsessed ever since,” she says. “I never know if I’m going to want to take a class at Steps later or go to the gym, so backpacks let me carry everything I could need throughout the day.”
In the studio, Komyshan injects a bit of her personality into her wardrobe, combining color with unique cuts (like this custom design, with a mesh neckline that creates the illusion that she’s accessorized with a choker necklace). “I don’t really wear warm-ups, so I’ll look for leotards with cool detailing instead,” she explains.