A Dancer's Guide to Summer Produce

June 16, 2016

Whether you’re heading off to a summer intensive or loading up on classes at your hometown studio, buying fresh and seasonal produce is a great way to get the fuel you need for dancing. Fruits and veggies are tastier (and often cheaper) when they’re in season, since they are more locally abundant and don’t have to be shipped from far away.

Here are a few foods that are in season right now, to get you started:


Photo by Jill Wellington via Pixabay

A good source of potassium (helpful for reducing muscle cramps) and fiber, which keeps you feeling satiated for longer. Plus, the phytonutrients in beets have antioxidant, detoxification and anti-inflammatory benefits. Try grating raw beets over salad to mix up your usual blend of veggies.


Photo by Juja Han via Unsplash

Is there anything better than a juicy slice of watermelon in the summer? True to its name, the fruit’s water content is over 90 percent, helping you stay cool and hydrated on hot days. Watermelon juice may also help reduce muscle soreness if you drink it before a workout.

Strawberries and Blueberries

Photo by Jessica Ruscello via Unsplash

Fresh berries are a perfect summer snack, and not just because they’re delicious. These have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and one study found that blueberries may give short term memory a boost.

Green Beans

Photo by SnapwireSnaps via Pixabay

Non-starchy vegetables like green beans are a healthy source of carbs that can help provide the energy you need for long rehearsals or performances. Green beans are also a good source of vitamin K, which helps blood to clot.


Photo by Chris Liverani via Unsplash

They’re known for their anti-inflammatory properties, and tart cherry juice in particular has been found to reduce muscle pain and weakness after intense strength training or long-distance running.