by Amy Brandt | Jan 17, 2025 | News, The Latest
In recent years, Seoul’s K-Arts has emerged as a top training institution for ballet. Composed of the Korea National University of Arts and the affiliated Korea National Institute for the Gifted in Arts for elementary and high school students, its graduates populate...
by Amy Brandt | Jun 26, 2024 | Higher Ed, Pointe+, Training
What do Mariinsky Ballet’s Kimin Kim, Paris Opéra Ballet’s Sae Eun Park, Dutch National Ballet principal Young Gyu Choi, and American Ballet Theatre’s Joo Won Ahn, Sung Woo Han, and SunMi Park have in common? All are alumni of South Korea’s Korea...
by Amy Brandt | Oct 11, 2018 | News, Profiles
Kimin Kim may be a huge star in Russia, but he hasn’t forgotten his roots. The prodigious South Korean dancer, who became the Mariinsky Ballet’s first foreign principal in 2015, trained at the Korea National University of the Arts, also known as...