by Sponsored by Carolina Ballet | Dec 11, 2024 | Pre-Professional Profiles
Students in the School of Carolina Ballet’s highest division are poised to pull from the best of both worlds: The invite-only pre-professional division takes frequent classes with the company and occasionally joins them for rehearsals and performances. In the...
by April Deocariza For Dance Teacher | Oct 27, 2021 | News
Cuban dynamo Joan Boada was a leading star of San Francisco Ballet (SF Ballet), where he performed as a principal dancer for 17 years. During that time, he lent his power, charisma and refinement in works by Helgi Tomasson, George Balanchine, Yuri Possokhov and...
by As Told To Helen Hope | May 20, 2021 | Training
Imagine taking all your academic classes with fellow dancers—plus actors, painters and musicians. Imagine spending all day, every day, on a campus designed and outfitted to support your total dedication to dance. If you’re a ballet dancer who attends a public or...
by Ashley Rivers | Jun 18, 2017 | Training
If you think a full-time pre-professional program might be right for you, it’s never too early to start talking about the big transition. Deciding to forgo a “normal” high school experience for the chance to take your training to the next level is...
by Gavin Larsen | Jun 11, 2017 | Training
Deep down, Dara Oda knew she wasn’t ready. Despite 15 years of solid training at the School of DanceWest Ballet near her hometown outside of Chicago, by the end of high school she realized she still didn’t have the technique or maturity for a realistic...