by Amy Brandt | May 16, 2019 | News, Profiles
If you’re making your weekend plans, you may want to clear your calendar for Sunday and check your local movie listings. On May 19, Fathom Events, in partnership with Pathé Live and By Experience, is broadcasting the Bolshoi Ballet’s performance of Carmen...
by Julia Guiheen | Sep 5, 2018 | Profiles, TBT
Back-to-school blues bumming you out? This minute-long clip of Ekaterina Krysanova dancing the first bridesmaid’s variation in Don Quixote is the perfect pick-me-up. The fiery Krysanova, who was promoted to principal at the Bolshoi Ballet in 2011, is a bright...
by Amy Brandt | Nov 13, 2017 | Profiles, Viral Videos
If you haven’t checked your local movie listings yet for this weekend, hop to it. The Bolshoi Ballet in Cinema series and Fathom Events is broadcasting a performance of Jean-Christophe Maillot’s The Taming of the Shrew to theaters nationwide on Sunday,...
by Laura Cappelle | Jul 25, 2017 | Career, Profiles, Reverence
What do you enjoy more: performing or being in the studio? Performing, of course. It’s like waiting and getting ready for your birthday party. The rehearsals are a hard process: It’s a long wait for enjoyment. What qualities do you admire most in other...
by Amy Brandt | Mar 15, 2017 | Company Life
On Sunday, March 19, Fathom Events will high-beam the Bolshoi Ballet to movie theaters around the world—and while we tend to associate the Bolshoi with 19th century classics, this time we’ll see their more versatile side. “A Contemporary...
by Pointe Magazine | Nov 20, 2014 | Career, Profiles
This story originally appeared in the December 2014/January 2015 issue of Pointe. Steven McRae Commanding presence: McRae in Ashton’s Rhapsody Tristan Kenton, Courtesy ROH The Royal Ballet’s Steven McRae danced with a power and speed most people would...
by Pointe Team | Nov 28, 2001 | Company Life
Getting a peek inside a major company’s technique class is always a treat. While seeing dancers perform onstage is magical, there’s something captivating about watching a ballerina’s unmade-up face fully concentrated on learning a combination or pushing for another...