Houston Ballet Down Under #6: My Big Debut!
From June 24–July 10, Houston Ballet is embarking on its biggest tour yet to Melbourne, Australia, hometown of artistic director Stanton Welch. Pointe asked demi-soloist Jacquelyn Long to keep a diary of her experiences.
July 8, 2016
With my sisters Tyler Donateli and Soo Cho
We are nearing the end of our tour and I think everyone is trying to rally as we approach show number 10. We’ve had a long week with performances every day, including some double show days.
I got to debut the part of Miranda this week! It was a lot of fun. She is quite a sassy character! It’s difficult though—there is intense acting, fouettés and lots of jumping. It was rewarding to emote onstage and get lost in a character. Something fun about that role is she has to wear a red wig! I took a little time lapsed video to show you guys what wig prep in the ballet world looks like.
We took class in the Australian Ballet studios yesterday, which was very nice. We’ve been using the rehearsal room at the theater, which is pretty small in comparison to their studios and what we are used to back in Houston. We had another guest teacher this week as well, Australian Ballet artistic associate and principal coach Fiona Tonkin. I think everyone enjoyed her class. There was also a class onstage with an audience, which our ballet master Steven Woodgate taught. He had a microphone so that the people could hear him correct and teach. He used to dance with the Aussie Ballet and was always a part of these demonstrations when he was with the company. I think it was neat for him to do it again.
Soloist Allison Miller and dancers of the company at the Australian Ballet studios
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