by April Deocariza | Mar 2, 2021 | News, The Latest
Many ballet companies are sharing digital productions these days, but if you want to get your ballet fix on the silver screen, the Miami Film Festival has something for you—and you don’t have to fly to Miami to see it! Two ballet-centric films, the drama...
by Dance Magazine | Oct 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
Alicia has died. I walked around my apartment feeling her spirit, but knowing something had changed utterly. My father, the late conductor Benjamin Steinberg, was the first music director of the Ballet de Cuba, as it was called then. I grew up in Vedado on la Calle...
by Julia Guiheen | Apr 25, 2018 | Profiles, TBT
Swan Lake’s Black Swan pas de deux has long been an opportunity for dancers to display their virtuosity and test the limits of technique. But in this week’s #TBT, daredevil Cuban dancers Lorna Feijóo and José Manuel Carreño bring the duet to a new level....
by Jordan Levin | Jul 5, 2017 | Career, Profiles
Jennifer Kronenberg and Carlos Guerra are used to being the center of the action from their years as leading dancers at Miami City Ballet. But managing the whirl of activity at a rehearsal of their fledgling troupe, Dimensions Dance Theatre of Miami, is a whole other...
by Claudia Bauer | Mar 31, 2016 | Career
This story originally appeared in the April/May 2016 issue of Pointe. Photography by Quinn Wharton “My dream was to dance in Cuba,” says Lorena Feijóo. “I didn’t want to leave my country.” It’s a lament the San Francisco Ballet principal shares...